Firefox 3


游园记 / travel to the gardens <1>

Now,come with me~ (these photos were neatened weeks later)


a第一站,怡园the 1st station----the Garden of Pleasance.
as the name of the garden,she is really a comfortable and peaceful place.

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来这里旅游的游客很多,第二次的时候,有一个听口音像是香港的游客主动和一位在亭中休息的中年女士打起招呼,一位来自美国的在中国教英语的老师。他在热情欢迎这位外国友人,真是个练习语言的好机会,很佩服他,赶紧也鼓起勇气趁机练练,不管说的差不差 :p

i have been to the garden for twice both in the afternoons.maybe the reason why is i'm near to it. in hot summer day the garden with full of green plants is the best place to rest,especially these are rockworks and gloriettes which are a lot in every garden.

the most impresive thing is when i've been there at the fist time,i slept beside the rock-table in one of the gloritettes(i didn't notice the name of the gloritette).breeze was flowing and the music played by traditional stringed and woodwind instruments was slightly playing,i can't help controlling not to sleep.

there always have many visitors. at the 2nd time,there was an ardour visitor greeted with an middle aged lady who was resting in the gloritette.(guess him may from hongkong). the lady has been teaching english in China.what a good chance to practise the language! i admire his courage of talking with a foreign vistor:) whatever, get a try to take advantage of the occasion

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