Firefox 3


Light the fire

一次尝试带来非常满意的效果,不为拍照而拍照,在这个过程中享受拍照的乐趣 那才是更重要的。
Let Our life be Magic and Open. An experiment brought me a great happiness, enjoy shooting.

5 条评论:

匿名 说...


Ximena 说...

Hi! Thank you for your visit. Sorry,but I don't speak english so much... :(
LOMO meaning:Let Our life be Magic and Open? I like that! ;)

lol... 说...

Thank you ximena.Thanks for visiting.But there is no link to visit your blog again,good luck

Unknown 说...

Thank You:::::::))) Thanks for visiting. I am the daughter of the man u visited today Since my dad does not know english I am writing. The poem is from Mevlana and his humanistic point of view.

"Come, Come again ! Whatever you are... Whether you are infidel, idolater or fireworshipper. Whether you have broken your vows of repentance a hundred times This is not the gate of despair, This is the gate of hope. Come, come again..." Mevlana"
And the music is a folkloric elegy written in the war1 times. Thanks for your interest again! Meanwhile LOMO and its deeper meaning is great:)

lol... 说...

Thank you güzide,thanks for the visit.I'll visit your dad's blog other times:)Nice of both of you~~~